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Sword Art Online 720p Movies

Writer's picture: ngesovmaihipspunngesovmaihipspun

Updated: Dec 9, 2020

a5c7b9f00b In the year 2022, thousands of people get trapped in a new virtual MMORPG and the lone wolf player, Kirito, works to escape. The story begins in year 2022, a new video game called Sword Art Online (SAO for short) has just been released. The latest technology (the NerveGear) allows a player to be &quot;literally in the game&quot;. Beta tester and solo player Kirito, re-enters this game. He then meets and befriends a newbie player named Klein. Soon, all the game&#39;s secrets spill from the shadows... (A short review)<br/><br/>The first season was fantastic, its setting and plot immediately drew me in. It truly felt like I was watching a real life MMORPG take place. The characters really grew onto me throughout the season and I was intrigued by this world that the writer had created. I would always come home, hop onto my computer and watch some episodes of Sword Art Online. Unlike many other anime, I did not feel bored throughout the whole first season. Every episode was interesting and felt amazing to watch.<br/><br/>Then the second season began. At first it was quite interesting and fun to finally see the real world that Kirito lives in. However, when Kirito enters the world of ALO the show began to decline. ALO no longer felt like a proper game. The plot itself became a prince saves princess sort of story with an added love triangle. While the main characters still remained lovable, the world did not. Kirito arguably cheated his way to the end (Didn&#39;t really gather proper gear,level,etc). The villain felt plain, like those in a fairy tale. In the end, ALO didn&#39;t feel like a MMORPG anymore and completely broke off from SAO.<br/><br/>Don&#39;t get me wrong, the series as a whole is still great and I would definitely recommend it to some of my friends. Like many of you people, I&#39;m keen on seeing the next season or arc. Overall it was still a joy to watch. Unfortunately the second season just wasn&#39;t up to par with the first and that was a real disappointment. <br/><br/>first season:9/10 second season:6/10 overall rating:7.5/10 I finally watched SAO after delaying it... and well shouldn&#39;t have wasted my time.<br/><br/>I&#39;m giving this a 3 just because of the beautiful art and the one episode where a group he was with got killed because of him (I felt for him then) but besides that I&#39;m never going to get the hype for this.<br/><br/>I don&#39;t mind the cliché plot since I&#39;ve watched plenty cliché anime that I still love. Don&#39;t believe people who rave that SAO has unique plot that&#39;s like saying Disney&#39;s Frozen was the first movie to present strong independent women (*cough* Brave *cough* Mulan *cough* Pocahontas). <br/><br/>What was dreadful about this was how it was presented. You start off strong getting the feeling like it&#39;s going to be a good action anime with the loner MC but nooooo it&#39;s actually secretly just a harem anime...if I wanted that I&#39;ll watch harem anime.<br/><br/>You never see MC training or struggling... he&#39;s just -boom- OP. The anime&#39;s main plot is &quot;getting out of the game&quot; so you&#39;d thought you&#39;d see the people there actually try hard to beat the game (haha). I mean yeah sure plot armor happens (ie Naruto, One Piece, etc where MC never really dies) but at least you can see them struggle and you can feel for them and root for them. Nope, not in SAO. MC&#39;s just OP at the beginning and until the end. By the time I got into the final boss fight I was desensitized by his overpoweredness that at his supposed death (since you know getting stabbed with little to no life should&#39;ve killed him but it takes minutes before he actually disappears so he can deliver a final blow to kill the boss) I felt nothing. No tension. Nothing. Not even happy for him that it&#39;s the end.<br/><br/>Another is where everything jumps. In Episode A you&#39;re in level 50 and then for Episode B you&#39;re in another setting...Episode C you&#39;re back to the start... huh. I got so confused I had to check the wiki episode descriptions just to check if I was still on the right track or was simply watching the wrong episode.<br/><br/>The most waste was the FMC. She was presented early on as this strong mysterious loner type but then after some episode jumps she just becomes this useless harem girl *sigh* (they even got married in- game. LOL). It&#39;s kinda laughable how some of the episodes we&#39;re shown one girl get rescued by MC and they immediately fall in love with least give us something more to root for.<br/><br/>Probably going to get hate for this since plenty love it but I just don&#39;t get it. I tried reading positive reviews but most just say &quot;It&#39;s the best anime&quot; &quot;Sword Art Online is ridiculously well made with great character development&quot; &quot;Deep and moving story&quot; ...none of which I saw so I&#39;m questioning if we watched the same series.


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